Legal Notice


In accordance with the LCEN (Law for Confidence in the Digital Economy) of June 22, 2004:

This site is published by CODiLOG – SAS with a capital of 6,305,355 euros, registered with the RCS Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under No. B 432 673 838 with head offices at: Immeuble « Le Clemenceau 1 », 205, avenue Georges Clemenceau, 92 024 Nanterre Cedex – Chairman: Vincent Grzeczkowicz – CEO: Jean Velut.

OVH SAS, company
2 rue Kellermann 59100 ROUBAIX

The publication director of this website is Jean Velut.


Company name: CODiLOG

Head Office:
Immeuble « Le Clemenceau 1 »
205, avenue Georges Clemenceau
92024 Nanterre Cedex
Tel: +33 (0)1 41 37 52 30
Fax: +33 (0)1 34 29 60 79
SIREN No.: 432 673 838
SIRET No.: 432 673 838 00020
NAF Code (APE): 6202A – Conseil en systèmes et logiciels informatiques

DUNS (D&B): 35 596 9293
Intra Community VAT: FR21432673838
Bank account: Crédit Agricole d’Ile-de-France
Bank code: 18206
Sort Code: 00379
Account number: 31007802001
RIB key: 31
IBAN: FR76 1820 6003 7931 0078 0200 131


The site is the exclusive property of CODiLOG, the only company authorized to use and operate the intellectual property rights and personality rights attached to this site, including trademarks, designs and models, copyrights and image rights, either directly by the company or by means of a transfer or a license for operation.

The use of all or part of the site http://www.CODiLOG.EN/, in particular by downloading, reproduction, transmission or representation for purposes other than personal and private use for non-commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.


CODiLOG autorise tout site Internet ou tout autre support à citer le site ou à mettre en place un lien hypertexte pointant vers son contenu. L’autorisation de mise en place d’un lien est valable pour tout site, à l’exception de ceux diffusant des informations à caractère polémique, pornographique, xénophobe ou pouvant, dans une plus large mesure, porter atteinte à la sensibilité du plus grand nombre, ou causer un préjudice quelconque à CODiLOG, à son image ainsi qu’à celle de l’ensemble de ses salariés et ses partenaires. Pour ce faire, dans le respect des droits de leur auteur, un logo est disponible, sur simple demande adressée par courrier électronique au service de la communication (à l’adresse : pour illustrer le lien en précisant que le site d’origine est celui de CODiLOG.

S’agissant de cookies déposés par des sociétés tierces, pour plus d’information sur l’utilisation de vos données personnelles en relation avec les réseaux sociaux vous pouvez consulter les politiques de confidentialité des réseaux sociaux tiers concernés et leurs politiques de gestion des cookies en cliquant sur les liens ci-après :

Pour YouTube (politique de confidentialité de Google applicable à YouTube) :
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o Politique de confidentialité :
o Gestion des cookies :


Several of the site’s services require the Internet user to provide personal data by means of online forms. The information requested, marked with an asterisk, is necessary for the processing of requests. All other information is gathered for the purpose of getting to known our users better and is therefore optional.

This information is intended for CODiLOG, for the purposes of recruitment management, marketing and statistical studies in order to provide the most suitable services and to monitor the quality of our services. In the event that the user does not explicitly object to the collection of his or her personal information, CODiLOG may send commercial offers by e-mail, telephone or mail.

The user may opt-out from commercial marketing by CODiLOG at any time, by contacting us at marketing@CODiLOG.EN.

In accordance with Act n° 2004-801 of August 6, 2004 relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, modifying Act n°78-17 of January 6, 1978, Internet users have the right to access, correct and delete the data relating to them and to opt-out of their processing by contacting the CODiLOG Data Protection Officer at marketing@CODiLOG.EN.


Under the conditions authorized by the law, CODiLOG is not liable:

  • for any imprecision, inaccuracy, omission or for any damage resulting from an intrusion of a third party resulting in the modification of the information provided on the site,
  • in the event of damage caused by the access of an unauthorized third party to the site http://www.CODiLOG.EN or preventing access to the same.

The visitor is informed that access to the site may be suspended by CODiLOG at any time for reasons of maintenance, security or any other technical constraint.


These conditions are governed by French law.